bilderbergestulin.jpgPerhaps it would be better (in the future) to write these reference notes as I go along, but in this case, they are written after the fact…

The Bilderberg group is, in general, an extension of the Milner Group- Round Table of the Anglo-American establishment formed circa 1880-1890 between Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner. Its key work was propaganda, its nature was secretive and its key agents turned down top positions (including Prime Minister; most of the group developed at and were hand-picked from Oxford and Cambridge, namely All-Souls College and a few other key depts) in the UK to maintain a low profile, as they regarded the Round Table group as a more powerful agent of change. (Thus many of its functionaries– who worked towards a British Federation or World British Empire– were relatively unknown) [NOTE: Much of the information summed in this paragraph is also derived from Carroll Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ written principally about the Milner Group.

Milner’s Roundtable established both the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), two key extra-governental groups behind current world powers. Sister branches were founded in Canada, Australia and other key Anglo and European countries. In the case of the CFR, funding and development also came largely from the Rockefeller family, who remain key.

The 1954 reformation in the Bilderberg group– developed by Joseph Rettinger and begun by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands– would include top European and American powers in politics, economics and industry… Top press organizations including the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Washington Post and the Times are always invited and always maintain secrecy. More can be learned about the group in detail within the book’s pages.

The group of internationalists who seek ever-increasing integration shun publicity of any kind, making independent reporters like a Daniel Estulin and Jim Tucker a threat…

Estulin explains the CFR’s sphere of influence in some detail– It interlocks with ‘think tanks’ and research centers including the RAND Corp, the Hudson Institute, the Brookings Institute, the Tavistock Institute (psychological experimentation) and more. The CFR has fielded more (and some times all) of the candidates for top cabinet positions in the U.S. including Presidential candidates since 1924 (John W. Davis) up through ’96 (Hoover, Wilkie, Dewey, Stevenson, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Humphrey, McGovern, Ford, Carter, Anderson, Bush I, Mondale, Dukakis and Clinton (often owning both ‘horses’).

This shadowy grasp of control further includes CIA Directors since ’66 to the present, Secretaries of Defense from ’57 to the present (both Rumsfeld and Gates), Secretaries of the Treasury since Eisenhower’s time through the present, Supreme Court Justices, many/most Secretaries of State and most members of the National Security Council.

The Trilateral Commission, an extension of the same power behind Bilderberg and the CFR, but including Japanese and other Asian power-heads, was formed shortly before the Carter Administration. Its key members included David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Cyrus Vance (incidentally related to the CFR’s first candidate for President, John W. Davis), as well as Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger.

Estulin quotes Kissinger as stating that “Jimmy Carter is not President; the Trilateral Commission is President”

Shortly before that Administration began, during a meeting in China with Diplomats, then National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, accompanied by incoming National Security Adviser Cyrus Vance called the Trilateral Commission a “government in exile” that he was ‘thinking of joining.’ (see The Kissinger Transcripts)

Toward the end of the book (after some 80 pages of documents and pictures of Bilderberg members and meetings), Estulin brings up the quest for American primacy and the goal of weakening Russian power for control of resources/energy in Central Asia (& Caucasus), relating, as he notes, directly to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book ‘The Grand Chessboard’ in which this subject is a central theme.

The bottom line? Control. Of resources, people, destinies, nations, and then, the world.

Estulin’s book is well-researched and would serve as a great introductory/intermediate glance at the methods of power used by this secretive group. While education, the book is also dramatic, featuring some of Estulin’s narrow escapes from death and summarizing the vast struggles for power that take place behind the scenes in round table form.

Ron Paul Wins Nationwide Zogby Blind Poll

Sizeable majority of Americans looking to vote for candidate who protects liberty, shrinks government, brings troops home

Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet Exclusive | November 19, 2007

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A new nationwide Zogby telephone poll reveals that a sizeable majority of Americans are looking to vote for a candidate who protects liberty, wants to shrink government and immediately withdraw troops from Iraq – all traits common to Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

As part of a spread poll commissioned by Jones Productions, respondents were provided with descriptions of four different candidates and asked to choose who they would vote for based on each one’s attributes and political platform.

(Article continues below)

Candidate A is a 10-term US Congressman from a large Southern state who is an advocate for a smaller government and individual liberty. This candidate believes in strictly following the Constitution and has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted in favor of the war in Iraq or the Patriot Act, and wants to bring troops home as soon as possible. As a former doctor, this candidate has delivered more than 4,000 babies. One of this candidate’s goals is to return America to the gold standard, and he believes that the current monetary policy needs to be drastically overhauled because of the dollar’s decline.
Candidate B is a former governor from a Democratic state in the Northeast. Before that, he was credited for essentially saving the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. He is a Mormon and family man who is considered a moderate-to-conservative member of the GOP. While Governor, he signed the first state laws in the nation requiring all citizens of this state to obtain health insurance. He is a strong supporter of keeping troops in Iraq although he has been critical of how the war has been handled.

Candidate C is a former two-term senator from a Southern state who was a long-time lobbyist before running for public office. He was chief Republican council for the Congressional committee that investigated Watergate in the early 1970s. He was an actor playing supporting roles in several major motion pictures before entering the Senate, and returned to a prominent role as a New York City prosecutor in a popular network television series after leaving office. He has mostly supported the war in Iraq, but has said he would have managed it differently.

Candidate D is a former two-term mayor of a major city in the Northeast, and is considered a moderate member of the party on social issues. As Mayor, he presided over a dramatic drop in crime in his city, and is best known for his leadership in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He established a worldwide security consulting business after leaving public office at the end of 2001 He has been a supporter of President Bush since leaving office and supports the war in Iraq.


32.8 per cent chose the description matching Ron Paul, while just 18.6 percent chose the description matching Rudy Giuliani. Just 12.6 per cent went for Fred Thompson’s description while 15.1 per cent went for Mitt Romney.

The results clearly illustrate that the country is crying out for Ron Paul, which is why the establishment have launched a PR offensive to marginalize him in order to suppress the Congressman’s name recognition.

The sample used for the poll had mainly never or rarely used websites popular with Ron Paul supporters, such as You Tube, MySpace and Facebook, showing that if Internet users who don’t use land lines were more fairly represented, the numbers would be even more in favor of the Congressman.

In another poll question, the survey found that the majority of Americans are more likely to vote for a candidate who wants to begin an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Over 49% said they were more likely to vote for a candidate who would begin immediate withdrawal, compared to just under 41% who said they would vote for staying the course and around 10% who were not sure.

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Zogby Poll: NASCAR Fans Favor Ron Paul | November 19, 2007


A new Zogby poll finds that more than 32.5% of NASCAR fans nationwide preferred Ron Paul in a “blind-biography” poll where candidates were described but not named.


Candidates are: A) Ron Paul, B) Mitt Romney, C) Fred Thompson and
D) Rudy Giuliani
in the Blind-Bio conducted by the Zogby America Poll of Nationwide Likely Voters for 11/14/07 thru 11/17/07. Sample size 1009.

Paul was their top choice even as NASCAR fans were polled as less likely to vote for a candidate opposed to the Iraq War. (Only 37% of NASCAR fans favor immediate withdraw, as opposed to 52.5% of non-fans in the same poll: See below). Giuliani was the 2nd choice amongst NASCAR fans. Ron Paul’s poll numbers doubled those of both Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson– a correlation which also carried over among ‘non-fans of NASCAR.’


Pundits place importance on the NASCAR demographic because its 74 million estimated fans represent some 17% of registered voters. In 2004, 9 of its Top 10 drivers in the NEXTEL Cup endorsed George W. Bush. NASCAR fans made up about 21.7% of the respondents in this poll.


Giuliani has been foremost this election cycle in courting its fans , known in general as mostly conservative and mostly Southern. But this poll indicates that Ron Paul would do well to court the motorsport enthusiasts as well.


Which candidate are you more likely to vote for – a candidate who is opposed to the Iraq War and wants to begin an immediate withdrawal from Iraq or a candidate who wants to stay the course in Iraq?

While NASCAR fans are divided on the Iraq War issue, the poll clearly shows that many are swayed by other positions in Ron Paul’s biography–“smaller government,” “individual liberty,” “following the Constitution,” and “never voting to raise taxes.” The true conservative Dr. Paul might be everything they want in a candidate.


Paul also polled very high in the blind-bio question amongst nearly all religious demographics, all races, incomes and genders, and amongst Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike. His closest rival in the latest Zogby poll in almost all demographics was the ‘Not Sure’ category– a sure sign that the Republican primary is anything but locked up.


Overall, Ron Paul led the poll with an astounding 32.8%, with Giuliani at a distant 18.6%, and Romney and Thompson tailing at 15.1% and 12.6% respectively. 20.8% responded as “not sure.”